Tonight, I babysat for somes friends. They have a precious daughter named Natalie. She is so advanced in her development. It's fascinating! She's not even two and has an incredible personality already. This is Natalie- and her "lumpy".... the purple elephant she totes everywhere and chews on like crazy haha. When her parents left, she wandered around the house looking for them for a minute and then looked at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. She started to cry, but then all of the sudden, a Justin Bieber song ("Baby") started playing on the TV and she immediately got happy again and started bouncing in sync with the beat. After the song on TV ended, she looked at me with those sad eyes again... so I had an idea. For the next hour and a half, she danced around happily while I played Justin Bieber videos from youtube. She pulled my hands several times, begging me to dance with her, and I did. It was fun to see how the smallest things can make this baby happy. I cannot wait to have these moments with our child!!! :)

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